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midland shooters association

MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)

  • 01/19/2013
  • 9:00 AM
  • MSA Rifle & Pistol Range

3 Gun is an action sport involving rifle, pistol and shotgun, shooting a variety of different types of targets in tactical scenario-based event. We generally shoot four scenarios in a match, which takes about 3 hours. We break up into four squads each under the direction of a range safety officer or squad leader. The squad rotates through the scenarios until all four are completed by each shooter. Scoring is based on time and how well you hit the targets.


This is a great place to improve your shooting skill and improve safety and handling as well. It’s great fun with good folks to shoot with. It is our policy that a person who has never competed in these type events come and be a part as a scorer for one match to get the rules understood before actual shooting. This seems to work better than coming in cold turkey and being overwhelmed with rules and dealing with three different guns.


Matches are 3rd Saturday each month starting at 9am. Safety meeting and walk through at 8:30am.

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