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midland shooters association

Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match

  • 05/24/2014
  • 8:30 AM
  • Rifle & Pistol Bullseye Range
  • 15


Registration is closed
For this month - $10 match fee, 90 shots with the .22, then 90 more centerfire (any caliber over .32), all firing done at 25 yards. Click the "Register" button to the left to reserve your spot in the match.

.22 Match
30 shots Slow Fire (10 shots in 10 minutes, 3 strings)
30 shots Timed Fire (5 shots in 20 seconds, 6 strings)
30 shots Rapid Fire (5 shots in 10 seconds, 6 strings)

Centerfire Match
30 shots Slow Fire (10 shots in 10 minutes, 3 strings)
30 shots Timed Fire (5 shots in 20 seconds, 6 strings)
30 shots Rapid Fire (5 shots in 10 seconds, 6 strings)

Targets will be up by 8:30 and available for warm-up shots between 8:30 and 8:45. The .22 match will begin promptly at 9:00, and we'll try to start center-fire about 11:00. Shoot just the .22 match, just the center-fire match, or both - if you want to shoot center-fire only be sure to arrive no later than 10:45.

Be sure to register for the match - just click the "Register" button on the left side of this page. If you register and it turns out you can't make it, just send a short email to so we can open that spot up for someone else.

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